日本語がうまく話せなくて申し訳ありません。黒井先生の作品が大好きな海外の読者です!「寅野探偵事務所へようこそ」のエピソードを買いました。単行本の発売を楽しみにしていました! I was very excited to buy and read the books! I was able to buy and read the books, and I am very happy! I really adore sensei's works. They can be either cute or sexy - or both!
黒井先生、素敵な作品をありがとうございました!Thank you for this lovely work, sensei! これからも応援しています! <3
高見乙先生、素敵な作品を作ってくださってありがとうございました。 I love this work a lot! I will definitely buy the physical book, too! I look forward to sensei's future works! I will continue to support you, sensei! <3
このような素晴らしい作品を作ってくれた蔓沢先生に感謝します!I look forward to sensei's future works!
「モンスターアンドゴースト」は本当に面白かったです。 キャラクターがすごく好きです。I have previously sent a review on the individual chapter. I have bought the digital and physical version. I like this series a lot because of how sweet 椿くん and 兜くん are to each other! I hope to read the continuation!
私は日本語が上手く話せなくてごめんなさい。 私は海外からの読者です。
私はこの作品が大好きなので、たとえ言語が日本語であっても本を全部読むようにしています。 第9巻でようやく安堵のため息が出ました! 第8巻では、次に何が起こるか心配でした。I was in awe that Ichikawa-sensei was able to express the importance of communication in a relationship and trusting one's partner - especially that of Chika-kun and Natsuki-kun. I really adore every chapter, and I couldn't wait to read what will happen in the future chapters!
第9巻を読むのが楽しかったです! 市川先生、この素晴らしい作品を作ってくださって本当にありがとうございます。
I am really excited with the developments! There is much to learn about the dark seas and the history behind the island and the inhabitants and how the 覡様 came to be. I was very interested in the monastery's secrets. I of course adore the interactions between アルトくん and エルヴァ様! I am following the story with much interest!
I also am very grateful for the English version of the books! I bought the books in English, too. I look forward for the next developments! お疲れ様でした、ユノ先生! and ありがとうございます for giving us a really interesting work with beautiful illustrations! I will keep supporting sensei! <3
私は日本語が上手く話せなくてごめんなさいm(__)m 私は英語でレビューを書きました。 話の展開がとても気になると言いたいだけです! 次の巻も楽しみにしています!
I am an overseas reader. I bought the 8th volume of 『ブルースカイコンプレックス』and read it finally! I think the 8th volume showcased a different angle to チカくん & 夏生くん's relationship. By "different angle", I think that sensei incorporated new characters to somehow challenge their established relationship. I honestly find this new pace - this new chapter in their relationship - a refreshing take that kept me at the edge of my seat! I was wondering how these new characters will affect the boys' loyalty to one another, but as I read further, I kept thinking that "チカくん & 夏生くん really thinks about each other often..." And I find it really endearing because they are reminded of one another always, even at the presence of others. I really like this subtle touch that sensei expresses in her storytelling.
Aside from チカくん & 夏生くん, I also cried when I read はるちゃん's confession!!! I think I had to stop reading for a bit to dry my tears (I was very much affected and I wanted to give him a hug! T^T).
I am very curious about what happens next!!! I think this volume gave me a small insight to チカくん & 夏生くん's perspectives regarding new people, and I'm very excited to read the progressions of both new characters in this story. I wonder what their appearances will entail in the long run.
長文を書いてしまい申し訳ありません! このボリュームについては言いたいことがたくさんあります! As always, ありがとうございました、市川先生! I enjoyed reading this volume a lot. I look forward to the 9th volume!
この作品もとても好きです!ほのぼのとした雰囲気とエロのバランスが良いですね。 It was a wonderful read discovering Dom&Sub universe! I was intrigued by the story and the dynamics between the characters.
全体的に黒井先生の作品は楽しく読ませていただきました! これからも作品を楽しみにしています。 This was a really wonderful read! Thank you sensei!